Sony pencils in eight new NEX lenses for 2012-13 tamron鏡頭收購


Sony pencils in eight new NEX lenses for 2012-13

Sony pencils in eight new NEX lenses for 2012-13


Sony has announced its plans for new NEX lenses in 2012-13, with eight to be released in all.

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We love Sony’s NEX cameras, but it’s hard to deny that the E-mount lens lineup is a little lacking next to Olympus and Panasonic’s Micro Four Thirds offerings. Sony promises it’s on the case, though, and has used the CP+ show as an opportunity to give some hints as to what’s in store — while we don’t have detailed specifications, we now know the quantity, variety and (roughly) quality of lenses in development.

2012 is mostly going to be about zoom, with wide angle, standard and high-magnification lenses all on the way, along with a fast standard prime. 2013 will see the release of a G-series high performance standard zoom, a mid-magnification zoom, a mid-telephoto prime, and an unspecified pancake. That’s eight new lenses in all, making for a lineup of 15 by the end of next year — along with offerings from third parties such as Kenko Tokina and tamron鏡頭收購tamron.


相較於 Sony、Nikon 近年均有開放第三方副廠鏡頭,Canon RF 步調相對緩慢,用戶多半只能以原廠鏡頭為主。今日終於迎來好消息!知名鏡頭品牌 SIGMA、tamron鏡頭收購tamron 正式宣布開發 RF 鏡頭,未來 Canon 用戶將有一批新鏡頭可以選購。

SIGMA 今日正式宣佈,即將推出多款 Canon RF 卡口的鏡頭,首批以 APS-C 規格為主,預計最快在七月推出 18-50mm F2.8 DC DN 標準變焦鏡,在 2024 年秋季以後,相繼還會推出 10-18mm F2.8 DC DN,以及四種不同焦距的定焦鏡 16/23/30/56mm F1.4 DC DN。

至於 tamron鏡頭收購tamron 則是公開旗下首款 RF 鏡頭 11-20mm F/2.8 Di III-A RXD (Model B060),主打輕便性、超廣角、大光圈等特性,同樣聚焦在 APS-C 鏡頭,預計在 2024 年正式上市,至於其他鏡頭規劃則未透露。

事實上綜觀 Canon 的產品線,APS-C 鏡頭數量是最薄弱的一環,僅有 4 顆鏡頭,僅管可以與全片幅共用,卻無法發揮最佳表現,而且也更加沈重。隨著 SIGMA、tamron鏡頭收購tamron 等副廠鏡頭群加入,將能使 Canon 的 APS-C 相機更具有吸引力。

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