Photography’s faithful flock to Japan’s biggest camera show tamron鏡頭收購


Once a year, Japan’s photographic industry congregates in Yokohama for CP+ — a camera and imaging show that brings out three times as many enthusiasts as it does tradespeople. The four-day long event provides plenty to do for the 65,000 or so attendees, with photo exhibitions, seminars, and presentations for pros and amateurs alike. But the biggest draw is the hardware. CP+ is the first place anyone in the country will see the new bodies, lenses, and accessories before they make their way into camera stores later on in the year.

In a country as steeped in photograpy as Japan, it isn’t hard to imagine the enthusiasm in the crowd as Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Panasonic, Sony, Fujifilm, Pentax, Casio, Sigma, and tamron鏡頭收購tamron unveiled their new wares. And while we didn’t see quite as much new gear as we did last year, we used our time to see what the show is really all about.



To show off its high-speed ZR400 and ZR700 point and shoot cameras, Casio brought in a bouncy, rubber slackline. The landing after this backflip might have been a little shaky, but like the announcer pointed out, it was a really big trick.



副廠鏡頭廠商 tamron鏡頭收購tamron 騰龍近期可說是和 Sigma 槓上了,不僅同推 24-70mm f/2.8 標準大三元互尬,還針對 APS-C 機身發表高達 22 倍變焦的最威「旅遊鏡」18-400mm f/3.5-6.3 DiII VC HLD(Model B028)。近期台灣售價也正式出爐,僅 19,800 元的售價想嚇死誰啊!


如同先前報導所介紹的,這款鏡頭最大特色就是涵蓋 18mm 超廣角至 400mm 超望遠的焦距範圍,光學變焦倍率換算後約 22.2 倍,可說是競品中倍率最大的鏡頭,舉凡風景、人像、美食,甚至拿來打些動物題材都不是問題,。

▼Model B028 因應 22.2 倍的變焦規格,鏡頭上也設有鎖定鍵,以防鏡筒鬆脫伸出造成損傷。(圖/翻攝自官網)


此鏡配有 11 組 16 枚光學結構,內含有玻璃鑄模非球面、LD 低色散與混合式非球面鏡片,皆是為了抑制影像的色差與畸變所設計;搭配最大 f/3.5-6.3 的光圈範圍,雖然廣角端沒有達到 f/2.8 的水準,不過以類似高倍率變焦鏡來說,望遠端幾乎沒有 400mm 的狀況之下,f/6.3 的光圈也算是大了。


另外,Model B028 也具備 45cm 的最近對焦距離、約 0.34x 的放大倍率,7 片圓形光圈葉片等規格,不過 VC 光學防手震最高僅補償 2.5 級的快門速度,雖說約 700g 的重量不算重,但在 400mm 端,恐怕還是要把手抓穩…..

tamron鏡頭收購tamron 18-400mm F/3.5-6.3 DiII VC HLD(Model B028)重點特色

・適用於 Canon、Nikon APS-C 單眼相機
・等效焦距 18-400mm,約 22.2 倍光學變焦(世界第一)
・鏡片結構 11 組 16 片
內含 LD 低色散、玻璃鑄模非球面與混合式非球面鏡片
・光圈範圍 F/3.5 至 F/6.3
・放大倍率約 0.34x(1:2.9)
・VC 光學防手震可補償 2.5 級快門速度
・最近對焦距離 45cm
・尺寸 79 x 121.4(Nikon) / 123.9(Canon)mm,重 705(Nikon) / 710g(Canon)

tamron鏡頭收購 tamron鏡頭收購


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